
Lewis County Humane Society

If Your Dog Is Missing

If your dog is missing there are two things you should do right away:

  1. Call the Dog Control Officer for your town. Check the Dog Control Officer list for contact information.
  2. Call the shelter so we can add the dog to our lost and found list: 315-376-8349

You may also want to call the Moose radio station to have them to ask their listeners to be on alert : 315-376-7500


If you find a lost ANIMAL:


For your safety and the safety of the dog, please call your local dog control officer and they will bring it to the shelter.  Do not pick it up and bring it to the Shelter, it must be brought in by the proper Dog Control officer.

We cannot accept dogs that are not brought in by a dog control officer without a surrender fee.

These contracts do not include cats or other small companion animals.  Only the Fort Drum contract includes them.


Our shelter has the contract with Fort Drum for Animal Control, and services all of Fort Drum.  If you have a stray animal, please follow the procedures below:

  • Call the Fort Drum Directorate of Emergency Services (DES) non-emergency phone line at 315-772-5156.  Follow the prompts (press either 1 or 2 for stray animals).  Provide details as required.
  • Public Works Animal Control will come to you and collect the animal, and will in-turn call us.
  • Our shelter picks the animal up from PW Animal Control, and we transport it to our shelter.
  • We post on social media for 5 days trying to find the owner. 
  • If not claimed, the animal will get vetted (testing, shots & fixed; dogs are also chipped) and be placed for adoption. We are a No Kill facility!

Fort Drum stray animals cannot be surrendered directly to our shelter, we must follow our contract.  Thank you! 

Remember, for safety's sake, if it is not your dog leave it and call a dog control officer.


Animal Surrender Process

Always call ahead (315-376-8349), to make an appointment and see if there is space available before bringing your animal to the shelter. Thank you!

Surrender Fees - A printable page is here.

  • Dogs - $100
  • Cats - $50
    • Domestic cats only. Sorry, no feral cats.
    • Call shelter regarding mom & a litter (case by case basis).

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Phone: 315-376-8349

Mailing Address: 
Lewis County Humane Society
P.O. Box 682
Lowville, NY 13367

Physical Address: 
6390 Pine Grove Road
Glenfield NY, 13343

Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 2pm-6pm
Saturday: 11am-4pm
Sunday, Wednesday: Closed
Other hours by appointment only